Bicycles spotted at the Bugatti circuit?

Bicycles spotted at the Bugatti circuit?

Road bikes, touring bikes, mountain bikes and even e-bikes, as well as Jean-Pierre Gasnot's vintage bicycle and the one ridden by Géo Trouvetout (alias Bernard Beaumesnil): every style imaginable hit the track at the Bugatti circuit for a ride organized by the ACO Club for its members.

Reinforcing the ties between staff and ACO Club members, and between members themselves, was a major goal of the event. Men and women, fathers and sons, friends, former colleagues...everyone was beaming as they took the track. Some familiar with the circuit expected the Dunlop climb to present some challenges, but they were all still smiling at the finish, even in the rain. It was indeed steep they said, admitting it's a bit easier in a car or on a motorcycle. But they were able to appreciate the track in a very special way on a bicycle...even at the slower speeds, the whole thing seems much grander.

The possibility of staging a vintage bike ride at the same time as the 24 Hours Vélos is what attracted the riders to this event, and in the end everyone was open to the idea, agreeing to meet up again next year.