Construction work at the Bugatti Circuit

Construction work at the Bugatti Circuit

Begun on Tuesday, January 2nd, remediation work is being undertaken to improve the underground drainage system at a section of the Bugatti Circuit. The work is very precise in nature in order to avoid damaging the track.

This remediation work is being conducted as the result of traffic problems on the county road during heavy rains. Runoff has also sometimes impacted the circuit.

The project will help to capture the entire watershed, located primarily west of the Bugatti Circuit, between the north entrance and the Wollek grandstands. The water will be redirected toward the Le Houx reception area.

A well to go under the track

"Pipes will therefore be laid between the north entrance and the Le Houx reception area where an existing network will direct those waters to the natural pond," specifies Ghislain Robert, Head of Events and Infrastructure. The focus is not to damage the track. The laying of the pipes will be done by "sinking," a technique of pushing pipes horizontally from a well dug on the side.

In addition, a retention pond will be created at the back of the Wollek grandstands under the existing roadway. It will have a capacity of 470 m3 and will be completely out of view. The end of the project is scheduled for the end of March of this year.

This is the first phase of this major remediation work. Other projects will be considered later between the Green Garage turn and the Le Houx reception area.

PHOTO: At the entrance of the connecting turn, exterior, Bugatti Circuit, Le Mans. Thursday, January 4, 2018. Construction equipment busy burying rainwater pipes.

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