A spring-cleaned Bugatti track for 2015

A spring-cleaned Bugatti track for 2015

This Monday, cleaning work began on the Bugatti to restore its grip for the new season.


SODICOP will be at the track all week to apply high-pressure water jets to remove the traces of rubber left by cars, motorbikes and trucks over the last few years.


The Bugatti track will regain its optimum grip ready for the competition season, which will be starting soon. Motorcycle races in particular require a track with excellent grip to ensure the bikes hold the road.

A machine will cover every inch of the track to peel off rubber waste and apply high-pressure water jets. The machine acts like a vacuum cleaner and sucks away deposits while filtering water and waste. With the high-pressure jets plus the powerful vacuum action, the track is left practically dry and free of deposits.

This is the first cleaning operation since the track was resurfaced a few ago.

Hélène Dagoreau/ACO